have you ever thought, felt or experienced these things...

Life is moving too fast and I don't have time to take care of myself let alone consider how to fulfill my needs.

• It is easier to stay quiet than speak up for my needs and desires.

I don't even know what I truly want or desire.

I struggle to have an orgasm with a partner & sometimes fake pleasure.

I carry shame in regards to how I feel about my body and pleasure.

I judge my own sexuality and don’t have anyone to talk about it with.

My mind is overactive & it is hard for me to connect to my pleasure.

Hey, I'm Sara -

Topics like this can be sensitive and intimidating so you may be wondering - who am I?

I'm the friend you come to when you want to talk about all things that make other people blush - including sex.

Honestly, I’m just another gal who faked pleasure well into her 30’s (until I met my teacher, Kristin), I’m also a gal who traveled the world seeking answers and helping tens of thousands of people reconnect with their deep inner selves.

Whether teaching beautiful souls Breathwork in Bali, or somatic healing techniques to CEO’s in the bustling towers of New York City, to capturing and reading auras to celebrities and clients like The Real Housewives of NJ and Drew Barrymore - my experience paired with my gentle and unique framework for reconnecting with your sensuality has set me up to serve souls, exactly like yourself.

I want you to feel like you have found the right guide for this brave step as you endeavor into the delicate realm of your sensuality. I don’t take this work lightly and I cherish every client I have the pleasure of working with.

Female Sexuality Specialist, Sex Coach, International Breathwork Guide + devoted pleasure enthusiast.

it’s time to rediscover
how to connect to yourselF

Nervous System Regulation | Sensuality | somatic Movement | Pleasure

This program is designed to enhance your senses & amplify pleasure so you can feel more joy.

Confusion around pleasure, sensuality and sexuality is extremely common - I’m here to help you clear up how you relate to all three.

Start from Scratch (SFS) is a virtual group program created for females and vulva-havers to explore their sensuality through understanding how their primary senses deeply impact their day-to-day lives how they receive and feel pleasure in & out of the bedroom.

Want to jump right to the nitty gritty details?
I’ve got you.





This group program is an immersive 5 week exploration into reconnecting to your sensuality, sexuality and joy - alongside a community of like minded souls on the same path.

Start from Scratch begins on Tuesday, January 23rd!

Week 1

I desire to be heard.
In this workshop we will explore your relationship to sound and how this sense impacts your day-to-day life more than you imagine.

Week 2

I desire to be seen.
Together we will utilize the power of sight and take an in-depth look on your relationship to being seen and what that means for you.

Week 3

I desire to be touched.
This sense is frequently attributed to our sexuality but it is far more complex than we give it credit for. Let’s dive in on the sense of touch!

I desire to feel connected.
Memory connection is frequently triggered by the sense of smell. This week we’ll see how this scent impacts more than you may be aware of.



I desire to feel euphoric.
Would a mind blowing sensual experience or an undeniable delicious dish tantalize your senses more? Let’s explore how taste impacts your joy!

Within SFS, you’ll experience…

Sensory Awakening
Body Awareness
Emotional Release

Embodied Confidence
Sensual Exploration
Connection to Others

Creative Expression
Sensual Rituals
Sensual Journal Prompts

Cyclical Living Workshop
Inner Balance Membership Access


  • As a group, we will meet via Zoom for our sessions and we will meet from 7pm-8:15pm ET on the below dates.

    Tuesday, January 23rd
    Tuesday, January 30th
    Tuesday, February 6th
    Tuesday, February 13th
    Tuesday, February 20th

    All of our sessions will be recorded and distributed after we conclude. You will have lifetime access to this content.

  • Yes! Every session will be recorded (with only me recorded) and the replay will be shared with the group within 24hrs after we conclude.

    If you are nervous about being recorded, you are welcome to keep your camera off and change your display name for your comfort. I will also be the only face recorded on each session.

  • YES!

    I created this for the soul who is ready to walk through fear when it pertains to your sensual and sexual life alongside a group of supportive people.

    I began my studies in sexuality because I felt so alone while I struggled to understand my own sensual and sexual experience. I had no idea how ignoring my sensual self was blocking me from enjoying more of life but it sure was!

    Feel free to email me directly to talk through any fears - I’m here for you.


  • Not at all. In our kickoff session, I will break down the vital importance between sensuality and sexuality. All the teachings and exercises will go towards positively impacting your sex life - but only if you want to apply it there.

    Getting in touch with your senses will amplify joy and connection throughout your life.

    The cherry on top of this sensual sundae is if you allow it to also bring you more physical pleasure. ◡̈

  • My hope for you is that by the end of our 5 weeks together that you feel deeply connected and in sync with your body in a way that you never have before.

    I hope to teach you exercises that allow you to be present in your daily life so you can feel more joy. Who knows, perhaps you’ll bring what you learn into your bedroom and feel more orgasmic pleasure. ◡̈

    How you integrate the exercises is totally up to you but I promise, the way you think about joy and pleasure will alter by the end of our time together.