Breathwork for Release


Hope and Way Interviewed me about my
experience in the Breathwork field.


What made you want to get into this field?

I originally didn’t want to get into this field. I was working 60+ hours a week in a job that had a paycheck that I thought I had always desired. When I was in burnout from work, someone suggested that I try Breathwork. After one session I was hooked. I began practising weekly and felt a profound shift. Six months into my practice, someone asked me when I was going to go to training? I hadn’t considered it but then I thought to myself, why not? I wanted to understand on a deeper level so I signed up for my first teacher training.

I never thought I would be a full time working Breathwork Guide.

We never know what the future holds but I am grateful that I listened to the little voice inside of me that told me to go to training and subsequently I have done many more and I have since created a method that results in profound transformation.

What has been your favorite aspect of this work?

Time and time again I am blown away by the strength and tenacity of people. We spend so much of our life fighting to get through situations just to survive so when someone makes the decision to fearlessly look at the trauma that they have been suppressing – I am overwhelmed with emotion. 

Watching people transform their lives by learning how to listen to their bodies is magnificent. I always remind clients that they are their own healers. They are doing the work. I am just showing them a technique and holding space for their healing. 

We frequently forget how powerful we are. Watching the light come back on in people’s souls will forever be my favourite thing to witness in this field. 

Can you explain what Breathwork is and what a typical session is like from start to finish?

Transformational Breathwork is an active form of meditation meant to bring about an emotional release. There are hundreds of forms of Breathwork that date back to ancient times in India. Pranayama has been used for eons and what I facilitate has the bones from that along with the teachings of doctors from the 1970s.

There is no “typical” Breathwork Session. Every time a client walks into my healing room they are coming in as whoever they are in that present moment. I spend time verbally connecting before we get into the breathing techniques. Each session is specifically designed for where you are currently at and what your body needs. I take into consideration your mental stability, the health of your nervous system and what it is that it seems like you need to process. I utilize over 20 forms of breathing, somatic body touch and other healing tools. Clients will do a form of deep breathing for 20 minutes or so and then will have a rest period where they get to reap the benefits of their hard work. We conclude the session with a brief recap and then they are on their way!

Each Breathwork Journey should meet the client where they are. I believe I have been placed on this earth to facilitate internal growth for individuals so I will create an experience that I believe will lead them towards finding more joy and fulfillment in life.

What sort of health challenges can Breathwork be effective for and why?

Most individuals don’t breathe properly. We taught ourselves how to become high chest breathers which lead us to live in our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) which then leads us to heightened anxiety and mood swings. Breathwork is perfect for those who struggle with anxiety and depression because when we give our bodies what it craves (adequate oxygen) we can begin to thrive again. 

Other challenges it can be useful for is – asthma, mental clarity, challenged immune system, digestive issues, temporary body pain – the list can go on and on. Basically, we need to breathe properly so we can function properly. People overlook the importance of breathing and shrug it off as we do it naturally – which we do. But it is something that requires attention and care so the body can be in harmony.

Read the full article on the website of Hope and Way where I get into the depths of why I love this work, how I think it could benefit you and so much more!


P is for Pelvic Health


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